Coach Captain and one quarter of the coaching crew! I've tried to retire but they won't let me! I first started in 1997 when I had long hair. Now it's grey...that says something! Been on some fantastic journeys; South Africa, Canada, China twice and up and down this country many times but I wouldn't change a thing. Fantastic times with fantastic people. Once a Serpent, forever a Serpent.

I'm Kevan, but everyone calls me Kenna! I started dragon boating in 1989. I'm from Hartlepool and like some of the other crew members, I have been lucky enough to see how dragon boating is done in some more exotic locations! What's different about the Serpents? Well, you may beat us to the line but you won't beat us to the bar!

Club Chair I joined the club around 2005 and was instantly hooked by the charm of the Serpents. The mixture of experience, enthusiasm and humour lifts your soul. Paddling with the Serpents is my place of sanctuary. A place I go to feel good and to be with good people. The team are like an extended family who are supportive, funny and infectious to be around. Training is a natural high but moves to another level when we compete and race against other teams. That’s emotional.

Fundraising I began dragon boating in May of 2021 and was hooked on it from session one! I was told before I joined the Serpents that they were an eclectic bunch. They are - which is one of the reasons the club has just the right feel to it. Train hard, laugh easy! We even paddle on green energy!

Race Events Secretary In 2011 I accidentally joined the Three River Serpents after completing a 10 week rowing course! (I'll tell you the story sometime!) I've recently retired and look forward to getting out and doing some daytime paddling as well as our regular evening and Sunday morning training sessions. Serpies are a very diverse, supportive, cracker bunch of lovely folk. I love the taining, camaraderie, jelly babies and post-outing craic in the bar.

I've been at the club since 2022 and I haven't regretted it. A lot of my mates have been in the club for a while and kept trying to get me to sign up until I gave into peer pressure and joined. Training is always great, especially when the steps are involved and afterwards you'll find everyone rushing to the bar but the thing I love most is the whole camaraderie of the club. Everyone helps everyone, like family.

I discovered Dragonboating in 2016 and subsequently took up Outrigging too. I had a brief break when I moved to Newcastle in 2022, before randomly stumbling across the Serpents and realising that once you're a paddler, you're always a paddler! I am loving Sunday mornings in beautiful Durham, taking more than my fair share of jelly babies and I am looking forward to getting stuck into some races!

I have paddled with the Serpents since 1993! I joined the crew, gained a family and saw the world! I have been lucky enough to share races and adventures in China, South Africa, Malaysia, Canada...too many places to name! The love of paddling and the friends made along the way is what it is all about!

I've been paddling since around 2019, and I fell in love my very first session. We had to smash through the ice my first time in the dragon boat, and I loved the sense of adventure, teamwork and excitement! My favourite boat is our beautiful OC6, and there's nothing I love more than racing with my Three River Serpents! OHANA!

Welfare Officer I was invited along to a random sport I'd never heard of, and decided to give it a try just for something to do! I fell in love with it instantly, and haven't looked back since. The group of friends I have made since joining the team have made it so much more enjoyable, and I can't imagine Sunday mornings without it.

I was introduced to the Three River Serpents back in 2012. I've competed all over the country with the team and had a great time doing it and made friends for life. I'm also a keen kayaker and canoeist and it's a great way to meet like minded people.

Treasurer I joined the Serpents in 2011. A friend had got into the sport through Paddlers For Life when she was recovering from Breast Cancer and eventually persuaded me to have a go. I can't think of another sport that is so inclusive. Just come down, give it a go and find out for yourself!

Coach/Equipment Officer I had never heard of dragon boating or outrigger canoeing before friends invited me, but the history is so interesting and inspirational. ​ Paddling is not only a great method of fitness, but it is also an opportunity to meet new friends and travel for competitions. It's a challenge, but so rewarding. The team has so much respect for each other; we are a paddling family (ohana). This sport has me hooked and the only downside is that I didn't discover it years ago!

Fundraising I first spotted 3RS whilst enjoying a nice, peaceful Stand Up Paddle. They came thundering down the river and I knew I had to give it a go. After one session I was hooked! I can't imagine life without this crazy lot!

Local Events Secretary I joined in 2003 (I think)! I had lived in Durham all of my life and didn't know there was a dragon boat club! I was hooked after the first paddle as the Serpents are friendly and fun. In 2004 we were paddling at Albert Docks and a fit Australian joined and I ended up marrying him! So, I have the Serpents to thank for my happy marriage and two boys! It's an inclusive club of diverse characters and the sense of humour and fun is what I love. Go Serpents, paddles up!

Me and my partner joined in 2022 and it was the best decision we have made. I love how tranquil the river is on a morning and the paddling is awesome! I love working together in a fantastic team to power our big green paddling machine!

I came along for a trial in March 2022 and absolutely loved the whole experience. I couldn't stop smiling! It's truly addictive! The Serpents are a fantastic, inspirational team of people whom I felt at home with immediately. I only wish I had discovered the Serpents and this amazing sport years ago!

I joined the Serpents in 2022 thinking that a pootle down the river on a Sunday morning would be lovely. I soon found out that it is not quite a pootle! But it is really good fun, excellent exercise and the best part is the rest of the Serpies!

Coach In 2000, I joined my dream club - an eclectic mix of age, gender and background, with a sprinkle of silliness. This is undoubtedly where my heart lies. I've paddled for GB, racing in European and World Championships. My pinnacle was winning 2 silver medals and a gold in Shanghai! I started outrigging with OCUK which lead to racing all over the world. As one of the coaches, my hope is to inspire others to experience the joy, excitement and adventure that paddling has brought me.

I joined the Serpents in 2022. I've absolutely loved having a sport with my partner and such a lovely group of people. Just thinking of the next race is making me so excited!

I joined the Three River Serpents towards the end of 2016 after being coaxed by a fellow Serpie to come and splash around in a river on a cold Sunday morning. Since then, I've had the pleasure of getting to know this eclectic (and crazy) bunch of people and enjoy several adventures around the country.

Membership Secretary I've been paddling since around 2000, starting out with Royal Maidens, and then Execalibre down in Exeter. I've loved every second and even met my husband on a Serpie night out! The best times are on the water for me are sunny summer evenings in the OC6, and fresh winter mornings in the dragon boat, pushing limits and feeling at one with the crew and water. Warning...it's addictive!

I started paddling in March 2023, and really love it. I did my first race at the GB Outrigger Nationals and became famous for screaming "THANK YOU PEPPA PIG" instead of thanking Percy Pig! The latter being my go-to sugar to calm my nerves. It's such a fabulous club, fabulous people and a fabulous sport!

I joined the club in 2021 after being persuaded by friends to have a go. I was hooked from day one and have never looked back. The Serpents are an amazing group of people. Kind, caring, inclusive and most of all, absolutely bonkers! The sport is demanding but great fun! Race competitions are epic! Come and join us, we are a welcoming and friendly team!

Coach "Anything that floats!" - life motto! Brings one to places and people, like the gang of Three River Serpents! I'm from Sweden...via a crooked route and a half! I've paddled since 2020 and I became a Serpent in 2021, and I wouldn't have it any other way than being washed up on Geordie shores.